10月16日(土) 20:00 配信スタート
配信チケット ¥1,500(税別) (本配信は有料配信です。事前にチケットをご購入してからご覧ください。)
peatix for ticket 視聴チケット購入ページ https://peatix.com/event/1666490
note ドネーション受付ページ https://note.com/vshikaru087/n/n549518c2691d
act : Eiichi Hayashi. 林 栄一 (as)
《notification for streaming event》
・The time zone is Japan Standard Time (JST).
・When you purchase a ticket, you will receive a confirmation email along with the access code and link to join the streaming event. Each access code can only be used by a single user during a streaming event.
・Make sure you have a reliable internet connection. Whenever possible use a hardline ethernet connection.
・Live streaming event can not be rewinded while it is live. Soon after the livestream ends, full video will be uploaded automatically. It takes approx. 5-10 minutes to be uploaded.
・Bluetooth connected speakers/headphones are not recommended because of audio latency – the video and audio will likely not be in-sync.
・This event can be viewed until October 18, 2020 at 11PM (JST).
・All sales are final and there are no refunds or exchanges available for your purchases.
・All rights are reserved Unauthorized recording, copying, and distribution of materials are prohibited.